Rules of Zulawska Kolej Dojazdowa Award
1. The issuer of the Award is Trójmiejskie Stowarzyszenie Krótkofalowców SP2KDS, Klub Krótkofalowców Jantar SP2PHA, Szkolny Klub
Krótkofalowców przy Zespole Szkół Łączności w Gdańsku SP2PTL, Radioklub Pomorskiego Zarządu Okręgowego LOK SP2KAC, Tczewski Klub Krótkofalowców SP2KMH and Pomorskie Towarzystwo Miłośników Kolei Żelaznych
2.The Award is designed as a memorial of the history and promotion of the present of Zulawy narrow-gauge railway and the Żuławy region as such
3. The Award does not bear an expiry date and issuing will commence on15 August 2012 which is the 10th anniversary of a scheduled connection in ŻKD
4. Grading scale:
a).100 points to collect according to the following:
-Special stations connected with Zuławska Kolej Dojazdowa (SN10ZKD) - 30 pts
-SP2KAC, SP2KDS, SP2KMH, SP2PHA, SP2PTL club stations - 20 pts
-SP2KAC, SP2KDS, SP2KMH, SP2PHA, SP2PTL club members stations - 10 pts
-All other stations along open or closed lines of Zuławska Kolej Dojazdowa - 5 pts
-Additional 20 pts for QSO with a radiostation working on a train on move in Zuławska Kolej Dojazdowa
b) QSO with the same radiostations are allowed to be repeated on different bandwith or emissions
c) The award is issued to transmitting amateurs and to listeners.
5. Bands and emissions are not restricted
6. The award fee for EU and DX stations is 5 IRC
7. To enroll please write to the Award Manager:
Andrzej Wisniewski
Ogrodowa 28
82-103 Stegna
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8. GCR logs allowed only
9. QSL cards not required
10. For more info please go to: http://sp2kmh.qrz.pl

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